Some of the CNC programs that are connected with the metal industry are milling, drilling, reaming, boring and tapping. Moreover, any metal that has any curved side have experienced some form of knurling, grooving, turning and/or threading.
Fabrication, in manufacturing, refers to processes that are executed on thin plates/sheets. These sheets are cut, punched, and bent to form their finishing shapes. CNC also stars in almost every aspect of metal fabrication.
While the most beautiful wood-worked products are most likely hand-made, you cannot deny that a wide array of tools and furniture HAVE to be NOT hand-made to save time and for mass production levels. There’s just too much work and not to many hands. In light with this, CNC has worked wonders for this industry.
Important woodworking processes include cutting, framing, carving and engraving. The most useful woodworking CNC product is the CNC router table. It is capable of carving elaborate 2D and 3D designs. Moreover, it is also capable of material change while repeating the same design. Since contemporary furniture is often a splash of different materials (e.g. Wood, aluminum and/or plastic), any CNC router is capable of reproducing the same design EVEN in different kinds of materials by just altering the router bit.
Although many local, middle-sized enterprise owners are skeptical about using employing CNC in their manufacturing operations, there have been many success stories to sway them to using it anyway. In the Metal and Woodworking industries, CNC has proven itself time and again to be efficient.
It saves time and efforts in production and (more importantly) back-jobs. If you’re venturing to one of these industries, remember that the word "labor" isn’t something social anymore - it’s technological. And start calling CNC your best friend.